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Latitude is going green

The team at Latitude are proud to introduce our newest green initiative: online contracts. All estates now have access to this new platform, potentially saving tons in carbon emissions and general waste.

By choosing to use online contracts you can help us form part of a new company direction to reduce our overall carbon footprint and become more environmentally responsible. Paper is the largest component of waste in an office, but while 90% of people were concerned about the environment, only 10% modify their purchase behaviour. Become one of the 10% and choose online contracts.

Save trees

1 ream (500 sheets) uses 6% of a tree (and those add up quickly). It takes a minimum of 510 sheets of paper to form three contracts, meaning each online contract saves 6% of a tree! Trees play a critical role in absorbing CO2 from our atmosphere and producing oxygen to support life on our planet.

Save water

It takes 10 litres of water to produce a single A4-sheet of paper (The pulp and paper industry is the single largest industrial consumer of water in Western countries). By choosing online contracts over printed contracts can save over 5000 litres of water on average.

Save energy

The energy required to produce one A4 sheet is 50 watt-hours. That’s 5.1 kilowatts, equal to just over 5 pounds
of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). By switching to a digital document sending solution – where a signed and secure document is sent with the click of a button – a lot of energy can be saved.

Reduce transport

Every document that is transported across town or across the world uses up fuel. And the burning of fuel releases greenhouse gases. Each online contract signed saves 9KG of CO2 emissions with the average courier travel being 75km per contract.

Cut pollution

Did you know that paper manufacturing is one of the worst offenders when it comes to pollution? Making one tonne of paper emits more than 1.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Using less of the stuff will help to reduce the number of pollutants in our atmosphere.

Reduce other waste

It’s not just the use of paper that’s bad for the environment. Each year, 300 million ink/printer cartridges are thrown away which, if stacked side-by-side, would circle the planet. Production of ink uses fossil fuels, and can contain chemicals harmful to our environment.