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Discover the fundamentals of property investment
Drawing from his 40 years experience in the property industry, Bob Hand breaks down the key steps you will need to take along your property investment journey.
Real information for real people, these books arm you with all the information you need to get started. It’s the perfect size to give you the know-how fast, giving you quick access to key questions you need to be asking when pulling up to see the real estate agent.

Featuring a comprehensive guide about what type of property to invest in, where to invest and how.
Land Buying Process
Bob helps to explain the current land buying process that you will go through.
What to look out for when getting tenants for your new investment property.
Tax Time
The fun part! Bob explains negative gearing, cash deductions – the lot!
+61 3 7379 7878
Level 27, 101 Collins St. Melbourne, Vic 3000