We are continually trying to improve the way our sales team engages with our clientele, and better the journey for our buyers.
I have noticed a lot of media outlets trying to shock buyers into thinking this market has hit the peak and that we are about to see it slow. I have also read that the lower clearance rate for auctions will begin to filter into our marketplace and begin slowing down the house and land market. I completely disagree with this opinion. Whilst some corridors in Victoria are seeing clients take their time to commit to buying, others are still seeing sell-out after sell-out.
The corridors that have seen prospects take their time to commit are dealing with well-educated clientele that have seen the prices rise quickly over the past few years. More times than not, this is happening in areas that have seen the highest amount of growth in a short period of time. The projects that are seeing stages sell out as soon as they hit the market are in the areas that are still perceived as ‘good value’ by the consumer.
I sat in our sales meeting on Monday morning and listened to all of our consultants discuss their results, their enquiry numbers, and their conversion rates. It is clear to me that the house and land market is still very strong, results are good, enquiry is great, and the conversion rates are even better. If we had more stock across each of our projects, we would be seeing more sales. It is as simple as that. I will admit, enquiry is down on the previously unprecedented amount we had filtering through 6 months ago, but it is still extraordinarily high. The demand is still there.
Our key focus moving into the winter months (which are commonly known as a slower period for land sales), is to nurture our relationships with our builder partners and further enhance the experience we provide to the buyer. We are continually trying to improve the way our sales team engages with our clientele, and better the journey for our buyers.
This market is still strong and we all need to continue to build on our strengths, with our clients being at forefront of this drive in order to truly succeed.
James Hand
Managing Director